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The Substances Produced when Proteins Are Digested Question Paper

The Substances Produced when Proteins Are Digested Question Paper

The Substances Produced when Proteins Are Digested Question Paper



CHAPTERS 5, 6, 7


CHAPTER 5 – Digestive System (40 points)

A.      Match the following terms with their meanings: (12 points)

 Absorption                        amino acids                        amylase                               bile                         bilirubin                                Defecation               

deglutition          dentin   emulsification                    enamel fatty acids                           glucose

1. Swallowing _______________________________________________________________________

2. Pigment released by the liver in bile __________________________________________________

3. Substances produced when proteins are digested ________________________________________

4. Major tissue composing teeth ________________________________________________________

5. Removal of waste material from the body ______________________________________________

6. Passage of materials through villi into the blood _________________________________________

7. Enzyme secreted by the pancreas to digest starch ________________________________________

8. Hard, outermost layer of a tooth _____________________________________________________

9. Process of breaking up large fat globules _______________________________________________

10. Simple sugar _____________________________________________________________________

11. Digestive juice made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder _____________________________

12. Substances produced when fats are digested ___________________________________________

B.      Match the following terms with their meanings below: (10 points)

Choledochojejunostomy                              labial                      palatoplasty                       submandibular                  enteroenterostomy laparoscopy                        parenteral           ileostomy            mesentery          sublingual

1. Pertaining to under the tongue ______________________________________________________

2. Membrane that holds the intestines together ___________________________________________

3. Pertaining to under the lower jaw ____________________________________________________

4. Visual examination of the abdomen ___________________________________________________

5. New opening between two previously unconnected parts of the small intestine (an anastomosis) __________________________________________________________________

6. Pertaining to the lip _______________________________________________________________

7. Surgical repair of the roof of the mouth _______________________________________________

8. Pertaining to apart from the intestine (such as IV delivery of nutrients and drugs) _____________

9. New opening between the common bile duct and the second part of the small intestine (an anastomosis) __________________________________________________________________

10. New opening of the third part of the small intestine to the outside of the body _______________

CHAPTER 6 – Additional Digestive Terms (18 points)

A.      Match the following medical terms with their meanings below: (12 points)

Cholecystolithiasis                           proctosigmoidoscopy                     lipase                    pyloric stenosis oropharynx

sialadenectomy                palatoplasty                       splenic flexure  pancreatoduodenectomy

steatorrhea                        periodontal membrane sublingual

1. Surgical repair of the palate _________________________________________________________

2. Narrowing of the distal gastric sphincter _______________________________________________

3. Visual examination of the rectum and the anus __________________________________________

4. Enzyme that digests fat _____________________________________________________________

5. Tissue surrounding a tooth __________________________________________________________

6. Removal of the pancreas and first part of the small intestine _______________________________

7. Bending of the intestine in the area of the spleen ________________________________________

8. Abnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder _________________________________________

9. Discharge of fat (in feces) ___________________________________________________________

10. Removal of a salivary gland __________________________________________________________

11. Pertaining to under the tongue ______________________________________________________

12. Region of the throat near the mouth _________________________________________________

B.      Unscramble the letters to form suffixes from the clues. Use the letters in the squares to complete the bonus term. (6 points)

1. Clue: Narrowing ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ O T S E S S N I

2. Clue: Bursting forth of blood ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ G R A I R A H

3. Clue: Spitting ____ ____ ____ ____ S P S T I Y

4. Clue: Vomiting ____ ____ ____ ____ S M I E S E

5. Clue: Flow, discharge ____ ____ H A R E R

6. Clue: Eating or swallowing ____ ____ ____ ____ A G P A H

CHAPTER 7 – Urinary System (32 points)

A.      Match the following with their meanings below: (10 points)

Creatinine           clearance test    MRI        urography           ultrasonography               CT           urography           renal angiography                VCUG                    cystoscopy          renal scan            KUB       RP

1. X-ray examination (without contrast) of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder ____________________

2. X-ray imaging of the renal pelvis and ureters after injection of contrast through a catheter into the urethra _______________________________________________________________________

3. X-ray images show multiple cross-sectional and other views of the urinary tract _______________

4. Changing magnetic field produces images of the kidney and surrounding structures in three planes of the body _________________________________________________________________

5. Measurement of the rate at which a nitrogenous waste is cleared from the blood by the kidney _______________________________________________________________________

6. X-ray record (with contrast) of the urinary bladder and urethra obtained while the patient is voiding __________________________________________________________________

7. Image of the kidney after injecting a radioactive substance into the bloodstream ______________

8. Direct visualization of the urethra and urinary bladder with an endoscope____________________

9. Imaging urinary tract structures using high-frequency sound waves ________________________

10. X-ray examination (with contrast) of the blood vessels of the kidney________________________

B.      On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write each abbreviation next to its explanation below: (22 points)

1. ADH ____________________________________________________________________________

2. AKI _____________________________________________________________________________

3. BUN ____________________________________________________________________________

4. CAPD ___________________________________________________________________________

5. CrCl ____________________________________________________________________________

6. CRF ____________________________________________________________________________

7. C&S_____________________________________________________________________________

8. Cysto ___________________________________________________________________________

9. GFR ____________________________________________________________________________

10. HD _____________________________________________________________________________

11. K+ _____________________________________________________________________________

a. __________ Examination of urine to

determine its contents

b. __________ An electrolyte necessary for

proper functioning of muscles and nerves

c. __________ Use of ultrasonic waves to

crush stones in the urinary tract

d. __________ Cysts form in and on the


e. __________ X-ray of the kidneys, ureters

and bladder without contrast

f. __________ X-ray images are taken

of the urethra and urinary bladder after

contrast is injected through the urethra

g. __________ Bacterial infection of the

urinary tract

h. __________ X-ray images are taken of the

urinary tract after contrast is injected into a


i. __________ X-rays of the urethra

and bladder are taken while a patient is


j. __________ Scale to indicate the degree

of acidity or alkalinity of a fluid

k. __________ Specific determination of the amount of solids in urine

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