Separating The Components Of “Panacetin” Assignment Help
Separating The Components Of “Panacetin” Assignment Help
Lab Report Format for Separating the Components of “Panacetin” (2) and Recrystallization and Melting Point Measurement: Identifying the Components of “Panacetin” (3). Lab Notebook Title and Date Objective: Explain the purpose of the experiment and how you plan to accomplish it. Technique: Show the use of separatory funnel and evaporation of solvent setup Reaction(s): Include the main reaction for the experiment and isolation scheme Physical Data: List the molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, and hazards of all pertinent chemicals used in the experiment.
Data/Observations: Your observations of the experiment, a. Weight of initial panacetin sample. b. Weight of sucrose collected. c. Weight of aspirin collected. d. Weight of unknown compound isolated e. Weight of recrystallized unknown compound f. Melting point range of recrystallized unknown compound. g. TLC sketches with appropriate data for Rf calculations (Clearly label each column of spots on the page so I know what it is) h. Mixed melting point based on information from TLC Final Report ? Title Page.
Include: (1) the title of the experiment, (2) your name, (3) the due date, and (4) the date submitted ? Purpose of the Experiment. ? Background/Setup: ( 1 page) ? Discuss extraction theory and explain the general operation of the equipment ? Explain the theory behind isolation scheme ? Explain the purpose of recrystillization ? Procedure: reference the procedure (i. e. text or handout) and any changes that deviated from the original reference ? Data and Results: o Physical description for substance(s) isolated o Weight of initial panacetin sample. o o o o o o o o o
Weight of sucrose collected. Weight of aspirin collected. Weight of unknown compound isolated Weight of recrystallized unknown compound Melting point range of recrystallized unknown compound. Mixed melting point based on information from TLC TLC Cross reference with lab notebook Rf values from TLC (including the solvent used) Percent recovery of sucrose, aspirin and your unknown ? Calculations: Show sample calculations of the percent recoveries of sucrose, aspirin and your unknown and Rf calculations. ? Discussion. What was the identity of your unknown?
Explain in detail how you determined it, comparing the data you obtained with known values. Explain any discrepancies. (1 page) ? Conclusion: brief statement with final conclusion (restating the goal of the lab and summarizing important data showing that the goal was or was not achieved) ? Excercises: Lab 2 questions 1,3,5 Lab 3:1 and 2 Additional Question: Where in the separation procedure could you lose one or more of the Panacetin components? Explain which component could be lost in which step. Ignore trace amounts left in containers, or blatant spills.Do you have a similar assignment and would want someone to complete it for you? Click on the ORDER NOW option to get instant services at
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