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Principles of Accounting Questions Discussion

Principles of Accounting Questions Discussion

Principles of Accounting Questions Discussion


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Sanctions for high plagiarism (above 25%) are:

First offence: Written warning and repeat the work

Second offence: Zero mark and suspension for one semester

Third offence: Dismissal from the college


Below are the penalties for a late submission:

Late submission by Reduction in Marks
1 day 15%
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3 days 30%
  • For Books: 

Schneider, Z, Whitehead, D & Elliott, D 2007, Find them correct: The right steps for good handwriting, 3rd edn, Elsevier New Zealand, Marrickville, Auckland

  • For Websites:

Health Council 2019, Causes of bad health, Health Council, viewed 2 January 2019, <>.

  • For Journals

Khan I, P 2004, ‘Role of infrastructure in economic development’, Business Standard, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 46-52.

  • For Newspaper Articles

Norvic, N 2012, ‘Education in pandemic: new mode of education’, The Arabic Education, 30 March, p. 5.

Structured Assignment

Course Name: Principles of Accounting-2
Course Code: BAAC 2100 Level:         Diploma Section No.: 1 & 2
Date & Time of Issue: 18/2/2021 Deadline (Date & Time): 29/03/2021
Learning Outcomes Covered in the Assignment:
Outcome No. 2 Prepare adjusting journal entries for merchandising company transactions, prepare a detailed balance sheet and income statement, prepare adjusting and closing entries, and understand the various internal control issues and procedures for inventory.  
Outcome No. 3 Understand the accounting information system in an entity, and use special journals, subsidiary ledgers and control accounts.  

Assignment Question(s)

(Allotted Marks: 15)

Q1.Choose any 3 Terms in both Income statement and Balance sheet and explain

      with an example each. (4 Marks)

Q2. Select any one business in Oman and write about the internal control issue

      procedures followed in that business related to Inventory management system

      in detail.  (3 Marks)

Q3. Describe any 4 books of original entry followed in business and write with

      your own example by using the specific format (4 Marks)

Q4. Oman Oasis Company provided the following information for the year ended

        31st December 2017.

Inventory- RO 56,000     Long term debt – RO 74,500           Good will – RO 25,000

Account receivables – RO 38,400       Account payable – RO 47,800    Machinery – RO 67,000

Deferred income taxes – RO 14,500    Fixtures and fittings – RO 26,000    Cash – RO 12,500

Shareholder’s equity – RO 90,000    Short term debt – RO 5,600 Other current assets – RO 7,500

Analyze the above information and prepare the Balance sheet of Oman Oasis Company for the year ended 31st December 2017. (4 Marks)

Please ensure to remove the above contents before you submit your assignment in Moodle.


University of Technology and Applied Sciences -Ibri

Sultanate of Oman

Business Studies Department

Academic Year: 2020 – 2021

Semester: II

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I am/we hereby declare that my submission of this assignment is a result of my own original work except for source materials explicitly acknowledged by proper citations. I understand that plagiarism is an offense that can lead to a disciplinary action depending on the seriousness of the case.

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