Nursing Paper Homework Help
Nursing Paper Homework Help
• Each student will required to write a 4 page paper about a condition from the list below or one that has been cleared with the professor. In other words, if you have personal knowledge or interest in a psychological disorder that you would like to write a paper about, send me an email. I want to okay the topic beforehand to make sure it is appropriate.
• I ask that you follow APA style when referencing your sources. Please use 12 point font Times New Roman (which also follows APA style). The 4 page requirement does not include the necessary Title page and Reference Page.
The paper should:
A. Define the condition (e.g., how does it come about? What are the main issues?)
B. Describe how one might recognize a person with the condition (e.g., what are the symptoms? What does it look like to an outsider?)
C. Possible therapies for the condition. Please do not try and spend a bulk of the paper describing drug therapies for the disorder. Two or three paragraphs describing therapies should suffice.
D. You will need to also turn in typed references (not included in page requirement). You may use any source you can find (i.e., books, internet, magazines), as long as you include them in your references. Preferably articles from peer a reviewed journal. APA citation style is required.
Possible Topics
Agoraphobia Delirium Postpartum Depression Alcohol Dependence Dementia Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anorexia Nervosa Dissociative Identity Disorder Pyromania Antisocial Personality Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Rett’s Disorder Asperger’s Disorder Foreign accent syndrome Schizophrenia Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Separation Anxiety Disorder Autism Histrionic Personality Disorder Simple Phobia(Specific Phobia) Bigorexia (work out) Hyperlexia Social Phobias Bipolar Disorder Hypochondriasis Stockholm syndrome Body Integrity Identity Disorder Major Depressive Disorder Stuttering Borderline Personality Disorder Mental Retardation Stuttering Bulimia Nervosa Munchhausen Tourette’s Syndrome Capgras’ syndrome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Tricotillomania(Hair pulling) Compulsive Hoarding Panic Disorder Triskaidekaphobia (fear of ‘13’) Compulsive Overeating Pathological Gambling Williams Syndrome Cotard Delusion (I’m dead) Pica Check the assignments link to view the full rubric details. Below is a short summary of point allocation.
Disorder Description 20 points Symptoms 20 points Treatment 20 points Spelling & Grammar 15 points Paper Organization 15 points APA Style 10 points Published by Joel Walsh
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