Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean Discussion Paper Assignment Help
Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean Discussion Paper Assignment Help
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This activity gives you practice explaining the different parts of the StatCrunch print-out for a hypothesis test for a population mean. You will review the meaning of standard error, T-scores and the P-value.
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A list of StatCrunch directions is provided at the bottom of this page.
- In a previous lab we tested the following hypotheses,
H 0 :
μ = 4.73 and
H a :
μ < 4.73 (where
μ is the mean number of alcoholic drinks consumed by students at a liberal arts college).
In a random sample of 75 students, the mean was 3.93 alcoholic drinks consumed in a week. Here is the StatCrunch output from the hypothesis test.
μ : Mean of variable H 0 :μ = 4.73
H A :
μ ≠ 4.73 Hypothesis test results Variable Sample Mean Std. Err. DF T-Stat P-value number of drinks per week 3.9333333 0.43592434 74 -1.8275343 0.0717 Using this context and the StatCrunch output, explain the meaning of each of the following.
- Std. Err (standard error)
- T-stat (T-score)
- P-value
- In a previous matched pairs lab we tested the following hypotheses, where
μ is the mean of the differences in corn yield for a plot of land (regular seed minus kiln-dried): H0: µ = 0 and Ha: µ < 0. In a random sample of 11 seeds of each type, the mean of the differences in the sample was -33.7. Here is a StatCrunch print-out of the hypothesis test.
Paired T hypothesis test:μ D = μ 1 − μ 2 : Mean of the difference between Regular seed and Kiln-dried seed
H 0 :
μ D = 0
H A :
μ D < 0
Hypothesis test results Difference Mean Std. Err. DF T-Stat P-value Regular seed - Kiln-dried seed -33.727273 19.951346 10 -1.6904761 0.0609 Differences stored in column, Differences.
Using this context and the StatCrunch output, explain the meaning of each of the following.
- Std. Err (standard error)
- T-stat (T-score)
- P-value.
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