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Family Therapy Strategic Family Treatment Plan Homework Help

Family Therapy Strategic Family Treatment Plan Homework Help

Family Therapy Strategic Family Treatment Plan Homework Help


Strategic Treatment Plan

1. For the treatment plan assignments, you do not need to cite the text. For homework and discussions, please do. The template is a little wonky and I anticipate it would not let you add the reference.

2. Make sure that you use clear evidence of the theory for each treatment plan. The Gehart text has examples. I would suggest that you paraphrase examples in the text to be in your own words. Turnitin will pick up the direct quotes if you were to use the textbook.

3. Each of your case examples or vignettes is going to include a family. Make sure to address all family members. You don't need to do all the intervention as the therapist, but do need to document what you refer out or are asking parents to follow through on. For example, in this week's case, there are developmental and medical issues in the children that need to be addressed, so you should include those in your plan. Make sure to represent all participants in the case.

4. I specifically look for resources related to closing/discharge/aftercare. When you are done providing family therapy, what else does the family need? These cases are complex enough that all of them will need aftercare.

5. You are welcome to use the treatment plan template in the text; most students tend to do that. If you want to recreate it in a Word document, that's okay too. Just make sure that you include all areas so that your version is complete.

Create a Strategic Family Treatment Plan utilizing the following case example:

A family was referred to the Parent and Child Development Center by Carin, Hannah Holmes’ maternal Aunt, who is concerned that Hannah seems so withdrawn. Carin, who is unable to drive, has never met Julia but recalls Jordyn and Jorge as nice children who used to come to visit often. Carin says “maybe it is normal for Hannah to be so busy with 3 kids now, but she calls less often and does not sound like herself when she does call”. Hannah agreed to an initial visit by a Family Specialist Social Worker

Holmes Family:
Hiram – 45
Hannah – 44
Jorge – 5
Jordyn – 3
Julia – 18 mos.

  • The Holmes family live in a suburban neighborhood outside of Lexington, KY.
  • Hiram works approximately 50 hours a week as a mid-level executive at an insurance company; Hannah was trained as a dental hygienist, but has stayed at home since the birth of Jorge; finances are somewhat strained as they bought a huge house 3 years ago and are now having trouble making house payments. Contemplating trying to sell and move closer to Jorge’s job downtown.
  • Married for 12 years.
  • Not active in church, though starting to look for church home for kids (come from different backgrounds – he Jewish, she Catholic – sometimes experience conflict on faith traditions; looking for common ground for support; tried going to different places, did not like what they have found so far after 4 different visits “We are pretty discouraged” – looking for support on this topic)
  • The family of origin: Hiram's family of origin – he was an only child; father died from heart disease when he was 50, as did his grandfather at 48. Mother was emotionally somewhat absent, often volunteering rather than spending time with Hiram, Hiram largely raised himself. Little other family connections. Hannah comes from a large family where she is the middle of 8 children (7 girls and 1 son) – brother was the youngest and is “spoiled”, but lives near Hannah and is helpful to the Holmes around the house – fixes things. Hannah competes with her sisters for her parent’s attention. She does not often tell her problems to her family for fear she will sound “needy”. Hannah is very close to an Aunt who lives in Nebraska – they talk on the phone several times a week.
  • Health – Hiram is about 50 pounds overweight and very worried about family health history, but has “no time” to work out or take walks. Hannah walked every day with a next door neighbor and the kids but the neighbor moved away last year just after Julia was born. Hannah finds herself having a very hard time losing the “baby weight” and reports that she often sits around watching TV rather than walking or cleaning. Playing with the kids is getting harder for her to do – “it takes too much energy”. She has felt this way since shortly after Julia was born. She is still nursing Julia. She quit nursing Jorge and Jordyn when both were 12 months old.
  • Children:
    • Jorge: Active 5 year old – runs a lot, good on stairs, loves stacking blocks, does not always take directions well. Listens very well to Hiram, but recently has started defying Hannah. Seeks attention a lot – hides behind mother’s legs when asked questions. Goes to preschool half-days (afternoons) and will be in Kindergarten in the fall. Very bossy of Jordyn, says little about Julia, has thrown blocks at Julia. Followed normal development stages of walking and talking. Prescribed glasses at age 3.
    • Jordyn: precocious 3-year old, very friendly to strangers – she sat on your lap immediately – very attention seeking. Good motor skills and advanced verbal skills – speaks very clearly. Brings everything to Hannah, even before asked. Hiram describes her as a “little mother”. Caters to Julia. Very caring. Followed normal developmental stages of walking and talking. No major illnesses.
    • Julia: 18 mo. old – not walking yet. Some crawling; poor coordination and leg strength; shows little curiosity, babbles; can sit up without much help, beginning to use her thumb to pick up objects, drops one object when handed another, looks to Jordyn when she needs something, watches Jorge a lot, but little communication. Very attached to Jordyn, not as much to her mother or father. Father sometimes plays peekaboo, but she is not interested unless he is touching her hands or arms, otherwise, she ignores him. Has not been to the doctor since she was 9 months old.

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