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Ethical Autonomy Research Paper Assignment

Ethical Autonomy Research Paper Assignment

Ethical Autonomy Research Paper Assignment


Need an research paper on review chapter 8( ethical autonomy and dealing with unethical superiors ) from the book (the responsible administrator…) and chose any article and make relation. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Review chapter 8( Ethical Autonomy and Dealing with Unethical Superiors) from the book (The Responsible Administrator) The book, The Responsible Administrator has all along disc used the importance of playing by the set standards while delivering services to the public. Consequently, Chapter eight has not been any different. In this chapter, Cooper, takes these ethical issues into a personal level and discusses how an individual attempts to act ethically in the face of the management which is rotten or corrupt. In such instance the individual has to clearly demonstrate his or her loyalty either to the public or to the management. In addition, this raises the issue of conflict and advances the sources of organizational pressure on the employees ( Cooper, 2012). Therefore, Cooper crafts four key points in this chapter. The first major point is that revolving around the whole book i.e. ethical conducts by a public officer. Secondly, the ethical conduct of an individual working in a corrupt environment. Thirdly, the components necessary for individual ethical autonomy, and lastly, the importance of the role played by the administrator and to whose loyalty he or she should act on ( Cooper, 2012).In his article, Nurse Autonomy as Relational, Chris MacDonald explores the various autonomous dimensions in the nursing profession. He further explains that in nursing the nurse’s autonomy is relational. Hence, devotion to the social and circumstantial factors that assist profoundly autonomous action is important to advancing the understanding of the connections between professionals and their clients/ patients, in addition to different teams of professionals. Further, MacDonald explains the descriptive and prescriptive aspects of autonomy. Descriptive autonomy is explained as the capability for self-governance, while prescriptive autonomy refers to the resistance towards interfering with persona life and the steps involved enhancing such resistances. Lastly, according to this article professional autonomy has been linked to relational autonomy in the nursing profession. According to this article, professional autonomy depends on the social structure because the profession itself is self-governing ( MacDonald, 2002).This article relates to coopers explanation about ethical autonomy in that it outlines the implications of a relational autonomy model in the nursing profession. The first implication is that through understanding autonomy, the nurse is able to understand the thin line between their personal capabilities for independent actions and the responsibilities they have towards their patients. Secondly, it helps in the understanding those situations that nurses can be judged as having adequate or inadequate autonomy. Consequently, this article has substantiated Cooper’s key points of how to act ethically even under corrupt work environments and a better understanding of where to place individual loyalty while at the same time acting in accordance to outlined ethics ( MacDonald, 2002).This chapter has therefore armed me with a new insight on how to conduct myself while working in corrupt environments. More so, the understanding that ethical autonomy is not equivalent to ethical individualism has been very helpful. In addition this chapter has helped me to understand that the main reason of holding an office is to serve the public but not for self-gain and empowerment. Further, this chapter has equipped me with the knowhow of handling unethical situations and being reasonable while acting on them. These guides are of great help to an individual while interacting with the clients seeking for services in the public sector.ReferencesCooper, T. (2012). The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.MacDonald, C. (2002). Nurse Autonomy as Relational Vol.9 issue 2. Nursing Ethics, 194-201.

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