City Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Essay
City Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Essay
Explanation & Answer length: 500 words1 attachmentsSlide 1 of 1
Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business Ethical, Social & Legal Environment of Business MGMT 5703 Fall 2021 Assignment Number One Meredith A. Wegener, J.D.; LL.M. *Assignment must be exchanged by September 12, 2021 at 5:00pm. Assignment is Due in D2L Dropbox by September 19, 2021 at 5:00PM As we see in the news, in our materials, in our own professional lives, most businesses have an ethics policy, ethics code and/or ethics standards that include consequences for failure to abide by them. 1. Choose an imaginary business and write what you would include in the business’ Code of Ethics/Ethics Policy. a. Think about the obligations your business may have to its many stakeholders, such as investors, community, environment, employees and suppliers. b. The code/policy may address an unlimited set of values and issues
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