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Business and Management : Human Resource Management Essay Paper

Business and Management : Human Resource Management Essay Paper

Business and Management : Human Resource Management Essay Paper


Assessment 1: Individual Essay 60%
For this component of the assignment, students can choose one from the following options.
Option 1
Field report 1. Select an organisation for study. During the first week you will be asked to consider selecting
an organization to study from the perspective of international human resource management issues. Your
selection needs to be approved by the module lecturer. As this is a field report you need to have access to
primary data.
You need to examine a real organization, of your choice. You need to either choose an area of focus or ask
the person in the company of an area that they would like you to focus on. You are then requested to
analyse the current situation using appropriate IHRM models, theories, frameworks or empirical studies
with the view of critiquing the approach or approaches that the company has used, with a view of making
recommendations. The assignment should draw together a number of International human resource
strands into a coherent report, evidencing the student's knowledge of both theory and practice. The
assignment should demonstrate independent research and thinking.
Other information: Essay style – Word Limit of 3000 words maximum
Field report 2. Select an organisation which has an international presence. Speak to a member or members
of senior staff of this organization and ask them to identify the main IHRM challenges and trends that their
organization have or are experiencing. What are the organizations doing to address these challenges that
they are confronting and if possible, evaluate the effectiveness of these practices / policies in meeting these
challenges? As this is a field report you need to have access to primary data and you should include a
transcript of the interview (s) held at the end of the assignment.
Other information: Essay style – Word Limit of 3000 words maximum
Option 2
Students to choose one from the following choices and write an essay.
Choice 1
The global environment is quite volatile. It is possible that one or several global events or policies could
have profound impact for both the global and local strategies of MNEs. An example is the case of
Bombardier. Identify a recent world event (within the last six months) and identify and critically discuss the
specific HR implications that may or has arisen from this (event), and devise policies as to these may be
Choice 2
The high rate of expatriate failure has raised the question as to whether expatriate policy as “out-of-date”,
expensive, time consuming and insignificant in a more international and global world. Discuss this
statement, using empirical studies to support your answer.
Choice 3
Using various real-life examples or empirical studies, what evidence is there that cultural and institutional
differences impact the HR integration in M&As and in IJVs?Choice 4
The country of origin can strongly influence a firm’s approach to organization structure. Discuss this
statement using real-life examples to support your answer. In your answer, be very clear of the advantages
and benefits of such approach and examples where companies were unable to duplicate their home
practices in a foreign country.
Choice 5
Assume that you are the HR intern for a SME that has begun to consider international assignments. With
your knowledge of IHRM, the HR Director has asked you to write an essay on the pre-departure training for
the organisation. In your answer, you must outline the various strategies available to the company, the
components that will be required, possible range costs, duration, as well as measuring the effectiveness of
the pre-departure training, etc.
Choice 6
What issues does the PCN company have to consider in appraising an expatriate that they have sent to one
of their subsidiaries? As an HR Executive Advisor working for the PCN, how would you solve some of the
issues raised in your essay? In your answer include examples to illustrate the points you are making.
Choice 7
As of the 1st of January 2021, United Kingdom left the European Union. Using various real-life examples or
empirical studies, what have been the implications facing companies within and/or outside the UK from an
IHRM point of view. In your answer, please provide real-life examples. What adjustments, if any these
companies have made in terms of their IHRM policy and strategy?
Choice 8
Critically review the impact (if any) COVID-19 has had on companies IHRM policies and practices using real-
life examples and empirical studies to support your answer.
Choice 9
It has been argued that the major future challenge for international companies, will be to bring synergy
between the organization structure of an overseas subsidiary that supports the local customs and cultures.
Discuss using empirical studies and/or real-life examples to illustrate your answer, how companies are
attempting to do this.
Choice 10
Recognizing and harnessing global talent within the workforce can be a form of competitive advantage.
Discuss using empirical studies and/or real-life examples to illustrate your answer, how companies are
attempting to do this.
Choice 11
Critically compare and contrast two real cases of a merger or an acquisition that has occurred within the
last five years. Identify in particular the similarities and / or differences between the two from an IHRM
point of view and highlight the lessons that these cases bring from an IHRM perspective.
Submission Date: Week 11 – via turnitin on Friday 29th April 2022, by 23.59pm
Learning Outcomes: KU1 and KU2Additional information for all the choices.
Other information: Essay style – Word Limit of 3000 words maximum
When submitting. please state clearly the assignment that you answering & the number of words used.
For all options, you will be marked down if you go over the word count. You will be expected to reference
you work and support your answers wherever possible with wider reading or experience. If you are
interviewing respondents a transcript should be included in the appendix. Please note that answers
supplemented with Appendices do not count towards the word count.
Individual Essay - Additional Guidelines including criteria
The assignment will be marked accordingly against the Common Assessment Scale that can be found at
the end of this module guide.
For this assignment, the following areas provides an outline as to how the marks are to be distributed.
Introduction [out of 5 marks]
You provide a clear introduction to the topic being discussed, articulating the approach that you used
(research – primary and secondary), the organisation context (the industry that the company is operating
in, purpose of the business, etc.), and identification of areas of reading that you will be focusing in the
Main body of the literature [out of 70 marks]
Here you need to demonstrate reading around the subject area, both from an academic point of view,
including any relevant empirical studies in the area that guide your thinking in the chosen area. To get
higher marks there must be evidence of critical reading in the subject area and the ability to synthesize
your thinking. The arguments being presented must be written in a coherent manner. The answer must be
clear and written using relevant theories, frameworks or models in the area of International Human
Resource Management.
Students should also apply the models to examples. The examples must be connected and relevant to the
topic being chosen, and if necessary, appropriately referenced using primary or secondary data.
Throughout the answer, material presented is informed by international human resource management
theory and the command of the appropriate conceptual and theoretical language is excellent.
Conclusion [out of 5 marks]
The conclusion naturally draws from the main material of the essay. No new information is provided. It is
succinct and clearly written, supported with evidence. Contrary findings are used to illuminate or extend
the argument. Alternatives are dealt fully.
References [out of 5 marks]
Proper academic (Harvard Style) standards of citation. References backed up in the bibliography.
Overall presentation [out of 15 marks]
The essay is expressed clearly and fluently using a style of writing appropriate to the chosen topic area. The
sentence and paragraphs are relevant, are well structured using appropriate technical (academic)
terminology. There may be few, if any errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar. There are clear
headings and sub headings and there is flow and logic to the essay.

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